Service Start

  • The service needs to be started with a shared volume. The service has to be aware of the directory so that it can add it to
    • the meta data of experiments, and
    • newly created containers
  • The service needs to be located in a virtual network and it needs to be aware of the network’s name so that it can add newly created containers to the same network.

  • The service needs to be able to interact with the containerization software (e.g., Kubernetes)

  • You can use the Postman collection to use api collection


  • RDF serialization:
    • By default, JSON-LD is used
    • The service may take the Accept header in the request into account to return results (e.g., RDF data) using other serializations
Name Start Experiment
URL /start-experiment
Description The service sets up the environment for a new experiment
Type - HTTP POST - synchronous
Response type JSON-LD
Response content -Experiment IRI
-Meta data SPARQL endpoint URL
-Shared directory path
Errors · HTTP 500: The service was not able to perform one of the necessary steps



POST /start-experiment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

response ```json lines

{ “@id”: “”, “”: { “@id”: “” }, “”: { “@id”: “http://localhost:3030/mydataset” }, “”: “enexa-dir://app2/84b67db3-ee8f-4f47-9f81-25b3d34df09d”, “@type”: “” }


| Name                | Meta data endpoint                                    |
| URL                 | /meta                                                 |
| Description         | This method returns the URL of a SPARQL endpoint and the IRI of the graph within this endpoint that contains the meta data for the experiment with the given IRI. |
| Type                | - HTTP GET                                            |
|                     | - synchronous                                         |
| Parameters          | - experimentIRI = Experiment IRI                          |
| Response type       | JSON-LD                                               |
| Response content    | - Meta data SPARQL endpoint URL                       |
|                     | - Meta data graph IRI (same response schema as /start-experiment) |
| Errors              | - HTTP 400:                                           |
|                     |   - Experiment IRI is not known / not available.      |
|                     | - HTTP 500:                                           |
|                     |   - There is no such SPARQL endpoint available.       |
#### Example

GET /meta?experimentIRI=

```json lines
  "@id": "",
  "": {
    "@id": ""
  "": {
    "@id": "http://localhost:3030/mydataset"
  "@type": ""

Name Start a module or container
URL /start-container
Description This method starts a container with the given image name as part of the experiment with the given experiment IRI.
  - asynchronous (the method does not ensure that the service or module is fully running)
Parameters - experiment = Experiment IRI
  - module-iri = the module’s IRI (can be an extension of the module’s URL below)
  - module-url = location of the module’s meta data (optional)
  - parameters = key-value pairs of the module’s parameters (predicate-object pairs, optional)
Parameter type multipart/form-data, RDF (e.g., JSON-LD)
Response type JSON-LD
Response content - Meta data of the newly created container
Errors - HTTP 400:
  o Experiment IRI is not known / not available.
  o The image does not exist or cannot be found.
  - HTTP 500:
  o An error occurs while communicating with the Kubernetes service.



POST /start-container HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/turtle
Accept: text/turtle

  @prefix enexa:  <> .
  @prefix prov:   <> .

  [] a prov:Entity ; 
      enexa:experiment <> ; 
      enexa:location "/home/farshad/test/enexa/data.owl" .

@prefix alg: <> .
    @prefix enexa:  <> .
    @prefix prov:   <> .
    @prefix hobbit: <> . 
    @prefix rdf:    <> .
    [] rdf:type enexa:ModuleInstance ;
    enexa:experiment <> ;
    alg:instanceOf <> ;
    <> <>.


@prefix alg:    <> .
@prefix enexa:  <> .
@prefix hobbit: <> .
@prefix prov:   <> .
@prefix rdf:    <> .

rdf:type             enexa:ModuleInstance ;
<> ;
enexa:containerId    "66a3d6f6523a8521f7f8daa2957f06a833c865318d98d9491a43cc3adad04f37" ;
enexa:containerName  "enexa-1379311648" ;
enexa:experiment     <> ;
alg:instanceOf       <> .

| Name | Adds a file to an experiment | |—————————–|—————————————————————| | URL | /add-resource | | Description | This method adds the given resource to the experiment’s meta data. Remote resources are downloaded to the provided target directory. | | Type | - HTTP POST | | | - synchronous | | Parameters | - experiment = Experiment IRI | | | - resource-url = The URL of the resource (optional) | | | - target-dir = Target directory in the experiment’s shared directory | | Parameter type | multipart/form-data, RDF (e.g., JSON-LD) | | | Additionally, plain resource IRI in “Content-Location” HTTP header | | Response content | - Meta data of the newly added file | | Errors | - HTTP 400: | | | o Experiment IRI is not known / not available. | | | o The resource URL does not exist or cannot be downloaded. | | | - HTTP 500: | | | o An error occurs while adding the resource. |



POST /add-resource HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/turtle
Accept: text/turtle

  @prefix enexa:  <> .
  @prefix prov:   <> .

  [] a prov:Entity ; 
      enexa:experiment <> ; 
      enexa:location "/data/example.owl" .


@prefix enexa: <> .
@prefix prov:  <> .

a                 prov:Entity ;
enexa:experiment  <> ;
enexa:location    "/home/farshad/test/enexa/data.owl" .

Name Get the status of a container
URL /container-status
Description This method returns status information for the given container that is gathered from the Kubernetes service.
  - synchronous
Parameters - experiment = Experiment IRI
  - container = Container IRI (or DNS name)
Response type Some RDF serialization
Response content - The status of the container expressed as RDF. This could also express that the container does not exist.
Errors - HTTP 400:
  o Experiment IRI is not known / not available.
  - HTTP 500:
  o An error occurs while communicating with the Kubernetes service.



POST /add-resource HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: text/turtle



                "running" ;
                <> .

Name Finish a container of the experiment
URL /stop-container
Description This method terminates a container that is part of the experiment.
  - synchronous
Parameters - experiment = Experiment IRI
  - container IRI
Parameter type multipart/form-data, RDF (e.g., JSON-LD)
Response type
Response content HTTP 200
Errors - HTTP 400:
  o Experiment IRI is not known / not available.
  o Container IRI is not known / not available / does not belong to the given Experiment IRI
  - HTTP 500:
  o An error occurs while communicating with the Kubernetes service.



POST /stop-container HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/turtle
Accept: text/turtle

@prefix enexa:  <> .
@prefix rdf:    <> .

        rdf:type             enexa:ModuleInstance ;        
        enexa:containerId    "9a3e9c3c8b74631aad4f0ffd9c24eabfc923d7ac54d8b203363ddc0e29e36fe3" ;        
        enexa:experiment     <>  .


                <> .

Name Finish an experiment
URL /finish-experiment
Description This method finishes the experiment with the given IRI by stopping all its remaining containers.
  - synchronous
Parameters - experiment = Experiment IRI
Parameter type multipart/form-data, RDF (e.g., JSON-LD)
Response type
Response content HTTP 200
Errors - HTTP 400:
  o Experiment IRI is not known / not available.
  - HTTP 500:
  o An error occurs while communicating with the Kubernetes service.